
Hi there! I'm Steven, a super proud family guy and total computer geek. Mostly, I split my time between playing with my kids and playing on my computer (ahem, working). I hope, as this site grows, you'll come back to see what I've been getting up to. In the meantime, why not explore the photos below (by hovering or tapping) to discover what I'm about.


  1. Baby

    That's me there, growing up in Skerries.

  2. Atheism

    My First Holy Communion. I made £86. I'm an atheist now. I'm keeping the money.

  3. School

    Celebrating my last day of school with friends. I spent the next decade unlearning the bad habits I acquired there. Lovely!

  4. College

    I have a BSc in Computer Applications and a PhD in Neural Networks from Dublin City University. Not that I'm bragging.

  5. Manchester United

    Supporting Manchester United at Old Trafford. Yes, I'm still a United fan.

  6. Fiona

    Getting married to the stupendous Fiona. Like, the best wife ever.

  7. Rubicon

    Fiona and I founded Rubicon in 2005. I'm Rubicon's resident computer geek. Fiona does the important stuff.

  8. Running

    I like running. I even ran the Connemarathon. Check out that guy over my right shoulder, that's my Dad.

  9. Kids

    I have two beautiful children, Ava and Lucas.

  10. Vegetarianism

    Cooking a veggie meal with Ava. I've been a vegetarian since 2000. My wife and kids are also veggies.

  11. Slings

    I wear my kids in slings. I've also been known to wear a truly awesome beard.

  12. Music

    I used to play the guitar and the piano. Hopefully these guys have more success than their Dad.